I say "Congratulations" to you who never experienced a failure, make good the failure, the failure to reach a job that you desire-idamkan or failure in building the business. Because you can learn from these failures. I have relatives who told me that he is always what is desired is reached and he has never failed. But when he failed in his work, until now never to rise again.
You might still remember the best film in 1990, the dance With The Wolves are dibintangi Kevin Costner and reach 7 Oscar trophies. This film is based on a novel with the same title written by Michael Blake who also acts as the author skenarionya. Michael Blake is a figure that should diteladani from kegigihannya. Novels With The Wolve dances is that the twenty novelnya. He has written nineteen previous novels, but not sold behavior, so he must live in the slums because they are not able to pay for his life. Place tidurpun he did not have. But he abstinence desperate to make a novel. When he was in the office issuing novelnya, he get a phone call from someone. "I have read your novel" said the caller is. "Oh yes" answered Michael Blake. "Your excellent novels. What if I filmkan "said the caller. "I'm happy and I want to help write skenarionya" said Michael Blake. Michael Blake and forget not ask the caller's name. "Oh yes. If you believe this? "Ask Michael Blake. "I'm Kevin Costner" sipenelpon that responsibility. After the novel dances With The Wolves made the film and reach Oscar trophies as best film, novel dances With The Wolve sold like roasted peanut. Millions of copies sold, making Michael Blake suddenly rich. Although Lo has started 19 times from the failure to make this novel.
Similarly Colonel Sanders, before reaching the success of the Ayam Goreng Kentucky Fied Chicken is the biggest and best in the world, must go through the failure of 1018 in time to sell waralabanya Any failure. He was viewed as part of the study, and improve what he has failed or that the person does not want to buy and waralabanya not blame the person who does not want to buy it. New to the 1019 times, some people want to buy a franchise of Kentucky Fried Chicken. He was born 9 September 1890 and achieve new success after the age of 65 years. Hartland Colonel Sanders finally became a symbol the spirit of entrepreneurship. Now Kentucky Fried Chicken, there are more than 80 countries around the world.
Achieve success that, like climbing stairs. The higher the ladder that we naiki, the higher the level of our success. But most of the stairs before the last turn, they are desperate to stop and climb the stairs and up. We do not know in which stairs. Whether in the beginning of the stairs?. In the middle of the stairs? Or in the last ladder?. Only God Knows the Most. Only with abstinence despair, we will menapaki stairs last.
Jumat, 09 Januari 2009
The leader Full
"Since 1918, when World War I introduced the use of IQ test en masse against the candidates of the United States. IQ scores on average in the United States has increased 24 points and also a similar increase in tercata Developed countries around the world. The reason for the increase is in the range of better nutrition, more children who have completed higher education. There is a computer game and puzzle game that helps kids master skills are up to the small number of family members, who generally berkolerasi with high IQ scores in children. From the results of the large-scale survey of teachers and parents indicates that the generation of children is now more often emotional problems than earlier generations. The children are now grown Average in solitude and depression, anger more easily and more difficult to set up, tend to be more nervous and anxious, more impulsive and aggressive "said Daniel Goleman.
Around the early 1970s, dipuncak maraknya sedunia student protests against the Vietnam War, a librarian in a U.S. office. Information Agency abroad to receive bad news. A group of students threatening to burn the library. Accidental librarian has few friends among the students who issued the threat. Reaction initially appear naive or incompetent or both. He invited the group to use the library for some of their meetings. He also invites residents of the United States are present to listen to them, and dialogue instead of confrontation there. Librarian's expertise as a model negosiator, or agents of peace who is very powerful, capable of reading the situation and that is one of the intellect is the ability of the emotional (EQ).
According to Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall, IQ and EQ separately or together, not enough to explain the complexity of the human intellect and the soul yaan and imajinasinya. Computers have a high IQ, as you may know the rules and follow them without one. Many animals have a high EQ, because it can identify situations that ditempatinya and know how to respond to situations appropriately. However, the computer and animals did not ask why we have a policy or situation, or whether the rule or the situation can be changed or improved. Leaders need spiritual intelligences (SQ), which can mengefektifkan IQ and EQ. Intellect is a spiritual intellect to face and solve the problems of meaning and value, the ingenuity to put the life and behavior of a leader in the context of a wider meaning and rich, to assess the intellect that the action or the way someone has the meaning of life compared with other people.
Spritual values of the common spiritual, among other things: truth, honesty, simplicity, caring, cooperation, freedom, peace, love, understanding, good charity, responsibility, sense of grace, integrity, confidence, probity, modesty, loyalty, punctilio, dignity, courage, unity, gratitude, humor, perseverance, patience, justice, equality, balance, single-minded, wisdom, and fortitude.
Love Mahatma Gandhi used to meminpin 3 billion people of India to gain independence. He loves the Sudra who suffer, not only with their family members, he even willingly risk the life of struggle remove differences in caste and India in order to arouse the people against each other fairly. Gandhi like children who always menyempatkan simple and self-play with children padepokan, he also like to hold a baby, kiss and fondle their own, such as fruit heart. After the evening prayer of children like mengelilinginya. After the adult children is difficult to accept the fact that parents are indulgent this is Mr. Independence India. He also loves the enemy, and believe that everyone is basically good only still closed. He thought, if the word is not able to weaken the opponent, then at least smoothness, humility, honesty and will make a sentimental person, so compassionate lawanpun will put on patience, and remove any thoughts away and will not be going to kill each other. In addition to not want to harm the enemy, Gandhi jugberanggapan better themselves so that the suffering of both warring parties for each other. Death is very ironic that tells us that integrity and kindness will not only be able to help others avoid pressure, colonialism, kill each other, hatred and acts of sadistic. Dicintainya split the country split, the farmers still be poor. Fire in the war-earth subsidence not retroactive, luxury giant feet tread the poor who complain. Love is there, only the largest for other people and less to the self msendiri. So write Yuen Kwok Ming in his book Mahatma Gandhi.
Around the early 1970s, dipuncak maraknya sedunia student protests against the Vietnam War, a librarian in a U.S. office. Information Agency abroad to receive bad news. A group of students threatening to burn the library. Accidental librarian has few friends among the students who issued the threat. Reaction initially appear naive or incompetent or both. He invited the group to use the library for some of their meetings. He also invites residents of the United States are present to listen to them, and dialogue instead of confrontation there. Librarian's expertise as a model negosiator, or agents of peace who is very powerful, capable of reading the situation and that is one of the intellect is the ability of the emotional (EQ).
According to Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall, IQ and EQ separately or together, not enough to explain the complexity of the human intellect and the soul yaan and imajinasinya. Computers have a high IQ, as you may know the rules and follow them without one. Many animals have a high EQ, because it can identify situations that ditempatinya and know how to respond to situations appropriately. However, the computer and animals did not ask why we have a policy or situation, or whether the rule or the situation can be changed or improved. Leaders need spiritual intelligences (SQ), which can mengefektifkan IQ and EQ. Intellect is a spiritual intellect to face and solve the problems of meaning and value, the ingenuity to put the life and behavior of a leader in the context of a wider meaning and rich, to assess the intellect that the action or the way someone has the meaning of life compared with other people.
Spritual values of the common spiritual, among other things: truth, honesty, simplicity, caring, cooperation, freedom, peace, love, understanding, good charity, responsibility, sense of grace, integrity, confidence, probity, modesty, loyalty, punctilio, dignity, courage, unity, gratitude, humor, perseverance, patience, justice, equality, balance, single-minded, wisdom, and fortitude.
Love Mahatma Gandhi used to meminpin 3 billion people of India to gain independence. He loves the Sudra who suffer, not only with their family members, he even willingly risk the life of struggle remove differences in caste and India in order to arouse the people against each other fairly. Gandhi like children who always menyempatkan simple and self-play with children padepokan, he also like to hold a baby, kiss and fondle their own, such as fruit heart. After the evening prayer of children like mengelilinginya. After the adult children is difficult to accept the fact that parents are indulgent this is Mr. Independence India. He also loves the enemy, and believe that everyone is basically good only still closed. He thought, if the word is not able to weaken the opponent, then at least smoothness, humility, honesty and will make a sentimental person, so compassionate lawanpun will put on patience, and remove any thoughts away and will not be going to kill each other. In addition to not want to harm the enemy, Gandhi jugberanggapan better themselves so that the suffering of both warring parties for each other. Death is very ironic that tells us that integrity and kindness will not only be able to help others avoid pressure, colonialism, kill each other, hatred and acts of sadistic. Dicintainya split the country split, the farmers still be poor. Fire in the war-earth subsidence not retroactive, luxury giant feet tread the poor who complain. Love is there, only the largest for other people and less to the self msendiri. So write Yuen Kwok Ming in his book Mahatma Gandhi.
Selasa, 04 November 2008
Heaven style of leadership
According to Peter F Drucker, irrespective of the leadership not regard culture (the culture) that disandang by the dilayaninya. Culture that even appear as an integrated part in the overall leadership, the a kind commonly called a frame style (style), until there is a terminology leadership style of leadership style Japanese or Chinese or Western style of leadership and so on. Leadership responsible for taking the mission of the institution dilayaninya, to operate based on cultural and leadership activities assigned to each manjadi productive work and to make every academic work, do so based napas, spirit and soul of culture. In managing the social impact and social responsibility, the existence and activities of institutions dilayaninya, do so in The leaders of the culture. In East and Southeast Asia perhaps we can without doubt talk about Japanese culture, Korean culture, Chinese culture and culture of Indonesia in addition to the cultures of other, more local and regional nature. About the Indonesian culture, which, according to Ki Hadjar Dewantara is the peak from all areas of culture, which then interact each other and adapting slowly dissolve into one personality. Style of leadership that is taught Ki Hadjar Dewantara, 'Ing Ngarso Sung Tulodho, Ing Madyo Mangun Karso, Tut Wuri Handayani', namely in the future should have, in the middle of must support and must follow behind, is one style of leadership with the cultural foundation of Indonesia . We also know the style of leadership mba Brata, the leadership has the nature of the sun, moon, stars, wind, fire, clouds, ocean and earth. Leaders who have the nature of the sun, should be able to give a fervent spirit and strength of spirit to the children fruit. Leaders with the nature of the month, should be interesting, providing a beautiful work atmosphere, and association, and appears to make light of the darkness. Leaders who have the nature of stars, must be able to provide the correct direction for an organization or a travel institutions. Leaders must also have the nature of the wind. He should be able to communicate with the good, capable and motivated children can fill the shortage of fruit expression with soothing words, not disapprovingly. Leaders with the nature of the fire, can behave firmly, without perceiving the guilty downy minute without hesitating. The nature of the cloud has a strong authority, at once respected beloved people. Leaders must also have the nature of ocean and earth. Namely leaders must be able to accommodate all the problems, remain patient and calm in providing solutions. He also must be resolute and strong foundation but also ready to hear from any input to be considered. History proves that the storm hiding and the period of time, not able to change the basic principle-agent culture. Namely the belief in the Dzat the Most High, the Almighty Creator and togetherness in the context kegotongroyongan. But sociologically, the basic culture of leadership is the leadership of Indonesia paguyuban. Messenger PBUH said "Allah created Adam, with eight children nature. Four experts to the nature of heaven, namely that sweet face, a fluent oral, sacred hearts and hands that provide assistance, and the nature of the four experts for the Fire, which is a certain kind of face glum, the vile speech, a hard heart, hands that would not membantuî . Leaders on morals with a sweet face, a fluent oral, sacred hearts and hands that provide assistance Leadership Style is a paradise. q - m *) F Suyanto, Chairman STMIK Amikom. |
Amazing salary
According to Peter F Drucker, irrespective of the leadership not regard culture (the culture) that disandang by the dilayaninya. Culture that even appear as an integrated part in the overall leadership, the a kind commonly called a frame style (style), until there is a terminology leadership style of leadership style Japanese or Chinese or Western style of leadership and so on.
Leadership responsible for taking the mission of the institution dilayaninya, to operate based on cultural and leadership activities assigned to each manjadi productive work and to make every academic work, do so based napas, spirit and soul of culture. In managing the social impact and social responsibility, the existence and activities of institutions dilayaninya, do so in The leaders of the culture.
In East and Southeast Asia perhaps we can without doubt talk about Japanese culture, Korean culture, Chinese culture and culture of Indonesia in addition to the cultures of other, more local and regional nature. About the Indonesian culture, which, according to Ki Hadjar Dewantara is the peak from all areas of culture, which then interact each other and adapting slowly dissolve into one personality. Style of leadership that is taught Ki Hadjar Dewantara, 'Ing Ngarso Sung Tulodho, Ing Madyo Mangun Karso, Tut Wuri Handayani', namely in the future should have, in the middle of must support and must follow behind, is one style of leadership with the cultural foundation of Indonesia .
We also know the style of leadership mba Brata, the leadership has the nature of the sun, moon, stars, wind, fire, clouds, ocean and earth. Leaders who have the nature of the sun, should be able to give a fervent spirit and strength of spirit to the children fruit.
Leaders with the nature of the month, should be interesting, providing a beautiful work atmosphere, and association, and appears to make light of the darkness.
Leaders who have the nature of stars, must be able to provide the correct direction for an organization or a travel institutions. Leaders must also have the nature of the wind. He should be able to communicate with the good, capable and motivated children can fill the shortage of fruit expression with soothing words, not disapprovingly. Leaders with the nature of the fire, can behave firmly, without perceiving the guilty downy minute without hesitating. The nature of the cloud has a strong authority, at once respected beloved people. Leaders must also have the nature of ocean and earth. Namely leaders must be able to accommodate segalaApa who taught Mr. Anggoro to me about the extraordinary salaries, the salary that we provide to employees with the opportunity to provide implement the idea ten years and then I praktikkan. When I hold a seminar on the entrance exam in Higher State. Speakers made to tell when a new residence a week. Seminar planned to be held on Saturday. Time is short so it is very difficult to get that many seminar participants. Special strategies are needed to seminar participants polynomial. After all the preparation has been completed, on Wednesday morning at 10.00, I gather my staff to listen to the opinions that the participants of the seminar, many participants. I have been writing the ten strategies in a sheet of paper to bring the participants. But the strategy I save on the table without a stafpun know that. I try to refrain no idea and try to explore ideas from my staff.
After all my staff meeting, then I ask for ideas from my staff. "Colleagues I implore you an idea of how to make our seminar Saturday many participants. We have lived the last 3 days. " "Pak Yanto. We plug in the ad koranî word that my staff first. "Good" I katya, while a strike strategy that is in my sheet of paper. "Put your ad on the radio" said my staff to the second. "Good" I katya, while strike again one of my strategies on the sheet of paper. îKita cooperation with the staff dormitory mahasiswaî I said the third. "Good" I katya, while three expunge my strategy on the sheet of paper. "Working together with the test bimbingsan" said my staff to fourth. I also do the same, while they appreciate the ideas strike me the same ideas with their ideas. Almost all the ideas I've written the same idea with my staff. I do not say that the idea of them together with my ideas, but I try to respect their ideas, as I will have no idea, although I have my ideas written in the paper details. I say to all my staff to run the idea each. They run the idea by the extraordinary, for the idea of running their salary is extraordinary.
When the day arrived seminar, which is a Saturday, one by one seminar participants register and enter the seminar room. After the seminar started, my place of registration to the seminar participants to know the number of participants of the seminar. He is, I terperangah. I see the number of participants of the seminar eventually exceed 1,000 participants. "Foreign" and "regular" word in my heart. Employees have the ideas and implement their ideas, which is outside the normal salary, to make something to be extraordinary, too. Congratulations to try. n-g
M Suyanto, Chairman STIMIK Amikom.permasalahan, remain patient and calm in providing solutions. He also must be resolute and strong foundation but also ready to hear from any input to be considered.
History proves that the storm hiding and the period of time, not able to change the basic principle-agent culture. Namely the belief in the Dzat the Most High, the Almighty Creator and togetherness in the context kegotongroyongan. But sociologically, the basic culture of leadership is the leadership of Indonesia paguyuban.
Messenger PBUH said "Allah created Adam, with eight children nature. Four experts to the nature of heaven, namely that sweet face, a fluent oral, sacred hearts and hands that provide assistance, and the nature of the four experts for the Fire, which is a certain kind of face glum, the vile speech, a hard heart, hands that would not membantuî . Leaders on morals with a sweet face, a fluent oral, sacred hearts and hands that provide assistance Leadership Style is a paradise. q - m
*) F Suyanto, Chairman STMIK Ami
Leadership responsible for taking the mission of the institution dilayaninya, to operate based on cultural and leadership activities assigned to each manjadi productive work and to make every academic work, do so based napas, spirit and soul of culture. In managing the social impact and social responsibility, the existence and activities of institutions dilayaninya, do so in The leaders of the culture.
In East and Southeast Asia perhaps we can without doubt talk about Japanese culture, Korean culture, Chinese culture and culture of Indonesia in addition to the cultures of other, more local and regional nature. About the Indonesian culture, which, according to Ki Hadjar Dewantara is the peak from all areas of culture, which then interact each other and adapting slowly dissolve into one personality. Style of leadership that is taught Ki Hadjar Dewantara, 'Ing Ngarso Sung Tulodho, Ing Madyo Mangun Karso, Tut Wuri Handayani', namely in the future should have, in the middle of must support and must follow behind, is one style of leadership with the cultural foundation of Indonesia .
We also know the style of leadership mba Brata, the leadership has the nature of the sun, moon, stars, wind, fire, clouds, ocean and earth. Leaders who have the nature of the sun, should be able to give a fervent spirit and strength of spirit to the children fruit.
Leaders with the nature of the month, should be interesting, providing a beautiful work atmosphere, and association, and appears to make light of the darkness.
Leaders who have the nature of stars, must be able to provide the correct direction for an organization or a travel institutions. Leaders must also have the nature of the wind. He should be able to communicate with the good, capable and motivated children can fill the shortage of fruit expression with soothing words, not disapprovingly. Leaders with the nature of the fire, can behave firmly, without perceiving the guilty downy minute without hesitating. The nature of the cloud has a strong authority, at once respected beloved people. Leaders must also have the nature of ocean and earth. Namely leaders must be able to accommodate segalaApa who taught Mr. Anggoro to me about the extraordinary salaries, the salary that we provide to employees with the opportunity to provide implement the idea ten years and then I praktikkan. When I hold a seminar on the entrance exam in Higher State. Speakers made to tell when a new residence a week. Seminar planned to be held on Saturday. Time is short so it is very difficult to get that many seminar participants. Special strategies are needed to seminar participants polynomial. After all the preparation has been completed, on Wednesday morning at 10.00, I gather my staff to listen to the opinions that the participants of the seminar, many participants. I have been writing the ten strategies in a sheet of paper to bring the participants. But the strategy I save on the table without a stafpun know that. I try to refrain no idea and try to explore ideas from my staff.
After all my staff meeting, then I ask for ideas from my staff. "Colleagues I implore you an idea of how to make our seminar Saturday many participants. We have lived the last 3 days. " "Pak Yanto. We plug in the ad koranî word that my staff first. "Good" I katya, while a strike strategy that is in my sheet of paper. "Put your ad on the radio" said my staff to the second. "Good" I katya, while strike again one of my strategies on the sheet of paper. îKita cooperation with the staff dormitory mahasiswaî I said the third. "Good" I katya, while three expunge my strategy on the sheet of paper. "Working together with the test bimbingsan" said my staff to fourth. I also do the same, while they appreciate the ideas strike me the same ideas with their ideas. Almost all the ideas I've written the same idea with my staff. I do not say that the idea of them together with my ideas, but I try to respect their ideas, as I will have no idea, although I have my ideas written in the paper details. I say to all my staff to run the idea each. They run the idea by the extraordinary, for the idea of running their salary is extraordinary.
When the day arrived seminar, which is a Saturday, one by one seminar participants register and enter the seminar room. After the seminar started, my place of registration to the seminar participants to know the number of participants of the seminar. He is, I terperangah. I see the number of participants of the seminar eventually exceed 1,000 participants. "Foreign" and "regular" word in my heart. Employees have the ideas and implement their ideas, which is outside the normal salary, to make something to be extraordinary, too. Congratulations to try. n-g
M Suyanto, Chairman STIMIK Amikom.permasalahan, remain patient and calm in providing solutions. He also must be resolute and strong foundation but also ready to hear from any input to be considered.
History proves that the storm hiding and the period of time, not able to change the basic principle-agent culture. Namely the belief in the Dzat the Most High, the Almighty Creator and togetherness in the context kegotongroyongan. But sociologically, the basic culture of leadership is the leadership of Indonesia paguyuban.
Messenger PBUH said "Allah created Adam, with eight children nature. Four experts to the nature of heaven, namely that sweet face, a fluent oral, sacred hearts and hands that provide assistance, and the nature of the four experts for the Fire, which is a certain kind of face glum, the vile speech, a hard heart, hands that would not membantuî . Leaders on morals with a sweet face, a fluent oral, sacred hearts and hands that provide assistance Leadership Style is a paradise. q - m
*) F Suyanto, Chairman STMIK Ami
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